Recull de l´actualitat catalana a la premsa internacional, Der Spiegel,, Usa Today, Libération, Express, BBC News i Le Figaro

BARCELONA, SPAIN – SEPTEMBER 16: Catalan Independence referendum supporters hold a sign up saying “We just want to vote” during a demonstration of Catalan Mayors backing Independence Referendum on September 16, 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. 712 Catalan mayors who have backed the independence referendum were summoned by Spain’s State Prosecutor over the independence vote, threatening arrests over non-cooperation. The vote on breaking away from Spain was called by the Catalan government for October 1, 2017 but was suspended by the Spanish Constitutional Court following a demand from the Spanish Government. Catalan and Spanish security forces have been instructed by Spain’s Public Prosecutor’s Office to take all the elements which could promote or help to celebrate the referendum. This includes ballots, ballots boxes and promotional material. (Photo by Sandra Montanez/Getty Images)
Hungary to ‘respect’ will of people in Catalonia vote
Jacopo Barigazzi | | Updated
Der Spiegel

Mayors of towns of Catalonia that support the Referendum of 1-O raise up their scepters as they shout “we will vote” at Palau de la Generalitat in Barcelona, Spain, September 16, 2017. REUTERS/Albert Gea TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Unabhängigkeit Kataloniens
Der Spiegel Samstag, 16.09.2017
Hunderte Bürgermeister trotzen Madrid
Kann die Zentralregierung das Unabhängigkeitsreferendum in Katalonien noch verhindern? In Barcelona haben sich mehr als 700 Bürgermeister versammelt. Sie wollen die Abstimmung durchführen – trotz des Verbots aus Madrid.
Madrid verschärft Finanzkontrollen in Katalonien
Stand: 15.09.2017 16:00 Uhr
Usa Today
Catalan President opens campaign for regional independence from Spain
Référendum en Catalogne : 700 maires menacés de poursuites et d’arrestation
13.09.17 17:13
Catalonia referendum: Spain sends ARMED POLICE to hunt for ballot boxes to BLOCK vote
ARMED police in Catalonia are on the hunt for voting papers, ballot boxes and leaflets as part of a desperate Spanish government bid to quash the upcoming independence referendum.
BBC News
Spain plays cat and mouse as Catalan vote looms
Le Figaro

People walk past a billboard calling to vote in the October 1 referendum on independence in Catalonia, in a corridor of Barcelona’s underground, on September 13, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / LLUIS GENE
Les autorités espagnoles ciblent les mairies catalanes indépendantistes

Catalan regional president Carles Puigdemont speaks during the official launch of the Catalan main separatist parties’ campaign for an independence referendum, at the Tarraco arena in Tarragona on September 14, 2017.
Catalan separatists launched their campaign today for a banned independence referendum in front of thousands of cheering supporters, despite growing desquiet in Spain as pressure mounts to stop the vote at all cost. / AFP PHOTO / Josep LAGO
Catalogne : les séparatistes lancent leur campagne, Rajoy à Barcelone
Le gouvernement catalan se compare à la République défaite par Franco
Référendum en Catalogne: 1,3 million de tracts saisis